Orphanage Hostel & Care

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Some children enter our care temporarily and are ultimately able to reunite with their families. For other children, their only chance at a family is through in-country or international adoption. But no matter why or where or how long they wait, we provide the highest level of care for every child who has been orphaned, abandoned or separated from their family.
There are over 143 million orphans around the world. If these children stood side by side they would form a line of children 30,000 miles long.Besides children who are orphaned (having lost one or both parents), there are countless children who live in a family unit who are vulnerable due to extreme poverty, hunger, thirst, abuse and neglect.
Together, orphans and vulnerable children represent a vast group of marginalized children. It would appear to many people that these children are worthless and unwanted. After all, since there are so many and their numbers are growing, it is clear that they have little value to anyone else. The truth is this however, these children are precious in the sight of God. In fact, they are of infinite value!
